How does rest connect us to our wisdom?

Inspiration for this post comes from the book: Cassandra Speaks written by Elizabeth Lesser 

Growing older is a key to coming into right order with your intuition - this idea really came through for me in Cassandra Speaks by Elizabeth Lesser.  

I’m 54, and its message really encouraged me to think critically about who has told the stories that I hold as true. Its allowed me to ask just how unconsciously I adopted those ideas as guides for how I should live. 

The doubt and freeze reactions I’ve had most of my life have been a reminder of the abject panic I have being myself sometimes. 

What kind of woman follows her intuition and desires? 

A witch, a cult leader - at the least that’s a woman with no female friends!

Lesser says so eloquently that part of the issue with women creating from their experience is the unfortunate narrative that a woman is just over-sharing or being an exhibitionist. This has been a huge barrier for me and has kept me separated from my inner wisdom. 

In SO many cases I’ve felt a yearning or a clear vision of something but, like many women who have stories and things to share, I just keep under wraps.

For me - the idea that other women would call me egotistical or narcissistic brought WAY more dread than actually exploring my ideas. 


Why can’t we rest?